Corporate values at JLT
At JLT we work from four values: customer empathy, collaboration, personal leadership and continuous improvement.
Customer empathy is the starting point for what we do. To solve the challenges of our customers collaboration is key, we work together as a team and are closely involving customers and partners. For us personal leadership is about understanding your part in the greater whole and managing your own responsibilities in a way that creates harmony. To meet our customers’ needs we have to look forward and keep advancing. Excellence is our journey, not our destination.
Read more about the corporate values at JLT below.
Customer empathy
Their world is our world. We care deeply about our customers, partners, suppliers and colleagues, and that makes us endlessly curious. We take great pains to understand what’s important to them and what they will need to succeed. So we listen and ask questions. Always trying to find the deeper insights and use our expertise to make a difference.
Success is a joint effort. We have high ambitions, and we know we can’t achieve them alone. Diversity is a huge strength and we are committed to an open, collaborative approach. That means working as one team across departments and borders and complementing our own expertise with external partners who are the best in their fields. We empower them to do great work, and we take responsibility for every delivery within our partner family.
Personal leadership
It’s up to us. Personal leadership means taking responsibility for our work, with care for how our actions affect the bigger picture and the work of others. It’s about making the organization successful by enabling others to succeed, creating the right conditions through encouragement, trust and openness. We do what we say we’ll do, and we’re always realistic in what we promise.
Continuous improvement
There’s always a better way. Our vision of empowering communication for every business drives a commitment to excellence in everything. It’s about making JLT number one in the market, but also about developing as an organization and as individuals. We pay attention to every detail and are always searching for new perspectives, possibilities and learning opportunities.
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Växjö, Sweden
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